Radio-dj Paul van Dam - Syndicated en Live Radio Shows

Playlist Simply Paul – 195 (Sgt Peppers)


In kader van uitbrengen album Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band op 1 juni 1967, 50 jaar geleden.
Sgt Pepper’s Lonely hearts club band
With a little help from my friends
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Getting Better
She’s leaving home
Being for the benefit of Mr Kite
Within you without you
When I’m sixty four
Lovely Rita
Good Morning, Good morning
Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
A day of the life
Magical Mystery Tour
Your mother should know
Fool on the hill
I’m the walrus
Blue Jay way
Hello Goodbye

Uitzendperiode: 02-06 / 08-06 2017
Samenstelling en presentatie: Paul van Dam
Uitzending: Diverse radiostations
